Connect recovery program
A 44-Week Intensive Recovery Program
Step 1: Assessment (If Needed). This will be completed by The Carroll County Lifeline Connection.
Step 2: Participate in Stepping into Freedom (12-Step) and Facing Fear, Finding Faith for 13-Weeks.
Step 3: Participant evaluation completed by Carroll County Lifeline Connection Faculty. Participant is partnered with a Life Coach/Mentor for a once a week phone call.
Step 4: Complete Lifeline Connection Groups - Insight (9 Weeks), Free to Grow (12 Weeks), Peacemaking (10 Weeks)*
(*Curriculum may be changed to accommodate participants needs)
Step 5: Participant along with family and friends gather together for a celebration banquet and graduation ceremony.
"CONNECT" Groups are all located at the Freedom Center (MAP)
Contact us here with any questions or for more information
**The cost of this program will be determined at the time of enrollment**